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GameMaster Extraordinaire Kevin


Kevin got his start in roleplaying games in 1983 around age of 14 when his father handed him the original basic box set of Dungeons and Dragons by Wizards of the Coast. During his summers off from school he would run modules with his friends continuing to collect source material for the ever increasing library. Regular D&D became Advanced D&D as the fantasy genre game was expanded and after five years Kevin and his players were looking for other settings to adventure in. Science-Fiction became our next obsession and by the end of the 80’s we began shifting our interest towards the original Star Wars RPGs by West End Games. After a few years of space adventures we once again started craving more and different settings to roleplay in and when Kevin inquired about the different RPGs at his local game store the owner suggested that we try out the recently released TORG also published by West End Games.


The troupe fell in love with the system and setting and we played all the modules, filled out all the Infiniverse forms and wrote to the monthly magazine (even getting published in the letters section once). When the war ended so did our group and we moved on to other games. H.O.L., Rifts, Star-Trek, G.U.R.P.S., Aliens and whatever else we could get our hands on was tried and experimented with until we could find a replacement and by the mid 90’s we had settled on the revised second editions of the World of Darkness series by White Wolf. Like TORG the World of Darkness had a main story arc with a resolution and when White wolf decided to end that plot line in 2004 Kevin retired from game mastering and storytelling to devote his time to his family.


Over a decade later and Ulisess North America announced a revival of TORG and one of Kevin’s most devoted players and lifelong friends, Ron, encouraged him to come out of retirement and run new campaigns in the resurrected universe. Reaching out to his friends and previous players Kevin asked if anyone would be interested in running a new RPG with their ‘favorite’ storyteller. During the assembling of players the idea of livestreaming our adventures to guests came up and we decided that we would enjoy sharing our antics with the rest of the world.


We hope you enjoy our Gamemaster’s play style and will watch our adventures unravel as we Explore the Storm of roleplaying.



Social Media Maven Ron


Ron got his first taste of adventure when he was a young kid reading ‘Choose your own Adventure’ books and redoing them to see the different outcomes. For those that remember those books coming out….don’t you feel old now? From there he got a taste of RPGs with D&D and played abit and enjoyed the experience. A few years after that he and his lifelong friend Kevin delved into the adventure called ‘TORG’ created by West End Games and together they spend countless hours exploring the world that was being ripped apart for possibilities.


Life set in and so did family responsibilities so the uber late night hours of gaming came to an end. He switched to console gaming and fell in love with the Final Fantasy series with FF8 being his favorite. FF7 was by far more widely applauded and loved but there was something about FF8 that held his appeal. He also played other games as well as Phantasy Star and Chrono Trigger, not to mention Kingdom Hearts. Along the way he became a World of Warcraft fan as well and mained a warlock and racked up quite the achievement score along the way that rivaled even the most of dedicated fans. Not liking the direction he then stopped playing. He next dabbled in Hearthstone and fell victim to the RNG gods more than once unfortunately. When he heard about TORG Eternity he talked to Kevin and one thing lead to another and the backed the Kickstarter and started down the path that you find us today.


He has picked up an original PS console and is currently replaying FF8 from the beginning and completely enjoying the stroll down amnesia lane. When he is not doing that he spends his time writing and his book that he co-wrote with his girlfriend Eshelle is at the editors, and they are hoping to get it published. It’s titled, ‘Overture of Darkness’. He is currently on the second edit of his first solo book, ‘Soul Moon Draw’ and will be sending that to the editors as well at the start of the New Year.


When not busy with work or writing he finds time to be the voice of the group, spreading the word about what they are doing and keeping everyone updated on the happenings of the group.


We hope you enjoy our Gamemaster’s play style and will watch our adventures unravel as we Explore the Storm of roleplaying.



A/V Engineering Virtuoso Hagan


Hagan’s love of the RPG genre came at a young age when he first played games like Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Diablo and Fallout. These games were huge worlds full of history and lore, places to explore, characters to develop, characters to develop. Not to mention the sounds that complimented the adventures to showcase these alternative universes. A few years went by and the realm of tabletop gaming still remained elusive to him, but that changes when he moved and was introduced to a bigger ‘gaming community’. He started playing Magic the Gathering and was introduced to White Wolf’s world of darkness and had a few amazing D&D campaigns as a mischievous and greedy Svirfneblin thief.


His most memorable TRPG experience was playing in a tightly-knit pack of werewolves in a White Wolf campaign run by our illustrious GameMaster Kevin. When delving into the meat of the story there was a lack of commitment unfortunately and the gaming sessions came to a halt. When it ended it left Hagan with a hunger for more of the intense, involved and immersive narrative experience.


When Kevin approached him about the Kickstarter for TORG Eternity and explained his history of the oTORG and asked if he would like to play, Hagan was elated and completely on-board. As Kevin elaborated on the game he also set the stage for a great idea and asked him if he would be interested in putting his skills to work. To help created an amazing gaming experience for the players, but also set up a streaming channel for viewers to interact with us. Help created multimedia content for our players as well, and content for the TORG community. To Hagan it was the perfect match for his love of RPGs and Audio & Visual creation and he was excited to get started as soon as possible.


As the trio of Hagan, Ron and Kevin set to work he became more and more confident that this was a great project to be a part of. A new synthesis from years of trial and error, life experiences and figuring out where the pieces fit.


We hope you enjoy our Gamemaster’s play style and will watch our adventures unravel as we Explore the Storm of roleplaying.



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