Tharkold is Approaching!!
Have you ever played Doom or watched Mad Max and thought to yourself….that’s an amazing place for a vacation? Do you feel the urge to live life on the wild side, full of danger and excitement? A place not for the faint of heart, but one where only the strong survived? Do whips and chains excite you? Then you’re in luck, we have the perfect spot for you!! Let us…tease you with what’s to come.
In our upcoming video Tharkold we delve deeper into the realm, where with the Law of Domination you are either dominant or submissive, hmmm….handcuffs anyone? Law of Ferocity which supports the violent and brutish nature of the realm, where subtle actions get people killed. Or perhaps the Law of Pain, where pain literally is a source of power - when you cause a Wound on an enemy, you may recover Shock damage.
We hope this has whetted your appetite for something more…exotic and erotic. We will keep you updated on when it’s time to fully reveal what lies inside Tharkold.
Until our latest video comes out we have some interesting places for you to visit….check out our channel to learn more.