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Cyberpapacy Video and other Updates

Greetings and Salutations,

Tharkold is almost at 200 views now on YouTube!! We would like to thank everyone that took the time to go over and view it – we hope you enjoyed it. Also we have 75 subscribers on YouTube and we are extremely appreciative to those that have decided to subscribe to our channel so thank you!

We have been hard at work on our next project – Cyberpapacy! For those unfamiliar with that realm here is a quick blurb about it –

Cyberpapacy (Magic 14, Social 18, Spirit 16, Tech 26)

Just like in Original Torg, the Cyberpapacy is the (currently) most advanced cosm technologically, filled with cyberware, laser weapons, and hovertanks. The dominant religion is a perverted abomination of Catholicism, infused with medieval beliefs and totalitarian control. It’s a world where technology is infused with magic and faith as well, where cyberwitches and cyberwarlocks fight against the forces of the Cyberpope.

Not gonna lie – Cyberwarlock = Total Badassery in my books J

In other news we are working on having our second smaller logo created and hopefully posted to our Social Media in the upcoming weeks. Thank you for all the positive responses to our logo!

Here is a link to our YouTube channel -

We hope everyone is enjoying their weekend and stay tuned for more updates as they come.


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