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Orrorsh Video Update and other News

Greetings and Salutations,

It’s been awhile since our last update but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been hard at work on our upcoming video. With this being the Gaunt Man’s home turn we want to make sure we capture the feel and essence of the realm so stay tuned for further updates.

Our logo is on hold still unfortunately but we are hopeful we will be able to unveil it at the start of the New Year. I suspect there may be dark forces at work in the delay…perhaps the Gaunt Man has heard of us and is trying to slow our progress down in rallying Storm Knights against him….

Congratulations to UNA in getting the Infiniverse Exchange up and running! We hope that it leads to awesome community made adventures and stories! We are hoping to be part of the Editor’s Club as well and look forward the amazing adventures/stories brought forth from the community as well as our own creations. Below is the link the main page -

For those unfamiliar with who we are or our videos please feel free to check us out on YouTube and leave a comment or check out any other social media that we have –

Keep on TORGing


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