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Living Land Kickstarter Video Release

Greeting and Salutations,

Ever since High Lord Baruk Kaah has invaded North America its defenders have struggled to turn back the invasion. This ever-growing prehistoric realm continues to expand through the Eastern Living Land and Western Living Land across the North American Coasts.

He also seeks to expand his influence beyond those coasts, South America and the Caribbean are also targets. Baruk Kaah desires to learn about the mysterious “White Zone” that exists in Canada as well. There is no Safe Zone in the Northern Hemisphere, and in time possibly the Southern Hemisphere as well.

The Delphi Council and the United Nations recognize this threat and have devised a plan to help brave Storm Knights that risk their lives. By combining their efforts they have decided their best course of action was the creation of the Living Land Survival Box. This box contains information on newly discovered Perks and Miracles that have recently been unearthed. Special Beta Clearance also comes with it, providing new information about the nature of reality. New unknown threats gathered from the various warzones are also included as well, incase those threats make their way across the realm. An updated timeline of events are also packed into the Survival Box for those Storm Knights cut off from reliable, timely news. New updated information on the Edeinos as well, including which clans are the strongest and their goals.

The Delphi Council and United Nations also recognize that not all Storm Knights groups will have access to the Survival Box and have set up online resources, though limited, in hopes that the information can still be disseminated out to the smaller groups of fighters valiantly defending their homes. This information can be found at the link below;


We would like to thank Ulisses North America for their amazing support & promotion of our content, and Us. They have responded with enthusiasm towards our project and as fans of the game. When they heard that we were making a fan trailer they generously provided some pictures that we put into this video. We hope you are as excited as us to Explore the Storm of Torg Eternity and it's infiniverse of fans.

Keep on TORGing


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